Service Details

We prepare meals with the assistance of the best caterers in Arizona to be nutritious, respectful of medical, dietary, religious or other preferences. In other words, your meals are 100% tailored to your needs and desires. We think of meals as an enjoyable time that brighten your day, whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner. Once again, we cater 100% to your needs by having you choose from an extensive menu, and a calendar of which days and times you wish to get your meal. If you require assistance in taking these meals, our caregivers are able and willing to help with this, sometimes challenging, task. Individualized menus are created as part of your Plan of Care and delivered to you whenever needed. Our caregivers are also able to join you during these culinary experiences if that is your wish, for some added companionship. You can even invite your friends or family members over!

Affordable Fees

  • Hourly rate: $35.00, which includes the cost of the meal

A History of CaringREVIEWS